How to Get Your Toddler to Drink More Water: Tips for Hydration Success

Parenting toddlers can be a delightful yet challenging journey. Amidst all the daily adventures, there's one essential aspect that parents often find themselves wrestling with - toddler hydration. Ensuring your little one stays adequately hydrated is crucial for their health and well-being. 

However, convincing a toddler to drink enough water can be a Herculean task. In this guide, we'll explore the importance of toddler hydration, the common challenges parents face, and practical tips on how to get a toddler to drink more water. Plus, we'll introduce you to Corkcicle's insulated and spill-resistant kids cups, designed to make toddler hydration a breeze.

Why Toddler Hydration Matters

Before delving into the strategies for encouraging toddler hydration, let's understand why it's essential. Proper hydration offers a range of health benefits for your little one, including:

  • Brain Function: Hydration supports cognitive development, helping your toddler stay alert and learn effectively. Even mild dehydration can lead to difficulty concentrating, remembering things, and solving problems.
  • Digestion: It aids in digestion, preventing issues like constipation. Water helps to soften stool and make it easier to pass. Dehydration can lead to hard, dry stool, which can be painful and difficult to pass.
  • Temperature Regulation: Adequate hydration helps regulate body temperature, especially in hot weather. When toddlers are dehydrated, they are more likely to overheat, which can lead to heatstroke.
  • Energy Levels: Well-hydrated toddlers have more energy for play and exploration. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, lethargy, and irritability.
  • Overall Health: It contributes to overall health by flushing out toxins and supporting the immune system. Water helps to transport nutrients and oxygen to cells and remove waste products. Dehydration can weaken the immune system and make toddlers more susceptible to illness. 

Children are at a greater risk of dehydration than adults because the surface area of a child's body makes up a larger proportion of their weight, creating more area exposed to heat and from which to lose sweat. Additionally, children don’t always recognize that they’re thirsty, and if they’re not encouraged and reminded, they may forget to drink. 

To keep toddlers hydrated, they need approximately 4 cups of beverages per day, including water or milk. For children under 8 years of age, at least 4-6 glasses of water are recommended, and for children older than 8 years of age, a minimum of 6-8 glasses is recommended. If the child is playing sports or is very active, they will also need extra fluid. 

Proper hydration can also help to reduce the risk of other health problems in toddlers, such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and obesity.

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Challenges in Getting Toddlers to Drink Water

Getting toddlers to drink water can feel like a marathon. Here are ten common challenges parents face:

  • Preference for Other Beverages: Toddlers often prefer sugary drinks like juices or soda because they are sweeter and more flavorful than water.
  • Fear of New Flavors: Toddlers may resist plain water due to its neutral taste, especially if they are used to drinking sugary drinks.
  • Short Attention Span: Toddlers are easily distracted and may forget to drink, especially if they are playing or engaged in another activity.
  • Independence: Refusing to drink can be a way for toddlers to exert their independence and test their limits.
  • Sippy Cup Strikes: Transitioning from bottles to sippy cups can be tricky for toddlers, as they may find it difficult to drink from a new type of cup.
  • Mealtime Battles: Some toddlers withhold drinking as a part of mealtime battles, as they may not want to eat their food or may be trying to get a reaction from their parents.
  • Fear of Spills: Toddlers may avoid drinking to prevent spills, especially if they are holding a sippy cup or glass of water. This is especially true if they have had a negative experience with spills in the past.
  • Busy Playtime: Toddlers are often so engaged in play that they forget to drink, even if they are thirsty.
  • Limited Access: Some toddlers may not have easy access to water throughout the day, especially if they are at daycare or preschool.
  • Temperature Preferences: Toddlers can be particular about the temperature of their drinks, and may refuse to drink water if it is too cold or too warm.
  • Medical conditions: Some toddlers may have medical conditions that make it difficult for them to drink water, such as constipation or kidney disease. If you are concerned about your toddler's water intake, be sure to talk to your pediatrician.

Tips to Encourage Toddler Hydration

Here are some practical strategies to overcome these challenges and ensure your toddler stays hydrated:

  1. Lead by Example: Children often mimic adults, so demonstrate your love for water by drinking it frequently and talking about its benefits.
  2. Set a Schedule: Establish regular water breaks during playtime and meals, and make sure to offer water before, during, and after any outdoor activities.
  3. Fun Insulated Kids Cups: Invest in creative cups with colorful straws or lids that appeal to your child. You can also let them pick out their own cup or water bottle to make it more special.
  4. Infused Water: Add a splash of flavor with fruits like berries, sliced citrus, or cucumber. You can also try adding herbs like mint or basil.
  5. Interactive Games: Turn hydration into a game by using a timer to track how much water they drink in a certain amount of time, or by playing "I Spy" for healthy drinks.
  6. Reward System: Offer small rewards or praise when they finish a cup of water. This will help them associate drinking water with positive experiences.
  7. Limit Sugary Drinks: Minimize sugary beverages like juice and soda, as this will make water more appealing.
  8. Temperature Control: Ensure the water is at a temperature they prefer. Some toddlers prefer cold water, while others prefer room temperature or even warm water.
  9. Outdoor Adventures: Encourage drinking after outdoor activities, as they are more likely to be thirsty after sweating. Make sure to always have a slip-resistant kids cup dedicated to drinking among their outdoor things to better enforce the habit.
  10. Involve Them: Let your toddler help you fill their water bottle or cup, and let them choose the flavor of their infused water. This will help them feel more involved and invested in staying hydrated.
  11. Educate Gently: Explain why water is essential in simple terms, such as "Water helps our bodies grow strong and healthy."
  12. Avoid Pressure: Don't force your toddler to drink water, as this can lead to resistance. Instead, focus on making water accessible and appealing.
  13. Stay Consistent: Maintain a consistent routine for water intake throughout the day.
  14. Be Patient: Understand that it may take time for your toddler to adjust to drinking more water. Be patient and persistent, and they will eventually learn the importance of staying hydrated.
  15. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate milestones like finishing a full cup of water or drinking a certain amount of water each day. This will help them feel proud of their accomplishments and encourage them to keep up the good work.
  16. Colorful Ice Cubes: Freeze small, colorful ice cubes with natural fruit juice (like diluted berry or orange juice) and add them to their water. The vibrant colors and slightly fruity taste can make water more enticing.
  17. Water with a Straw: Many toddlers find drinking through a straw fascinating. Invest in reusable, child-friendly straws or cups with built-in straws to make sipping water more enjoyable.
  18. Character-Themed Cups: Let your toddler choose a cup or bottle featuring their favorite cartoon character or superhero. Having their beloved character on their cup can make them more eager to use it.
  19. Water Balloons: On a hot day, turn water play into hydration time. Fill small water balloons and let your toddler throw them in a bucket. Each time they hit the target, they get to sip from their water cup.
  20. Hydration Chart: Create a simple hydration chart with stickers. For every cup of water they finish, they get to place a sticker on the chart. When they reach a certain number, offer a small reward like choosing a bedtime story.

Introducing Insulated Kids Cups by Corkcicle

To make toddler hydration easier, Corkcicle offers a range of insulated kids cups. These cups are designed to keep drinks at the right temperature, ensuring that your child's water remains refreshingly cool, even during extended play sessions. With slip-resistant features, you can say goodbye to messy spills and worries about wet carpets. These cups are not just functional; they're also stylish and come in attractive colors, patterns, and collaborative designs with the likes of Marvel and Star Wars that your toddler will love.

Hydration Made Fun

Ensuring your toddler drinks enough water is a vital aspect of parenting. With the right strategies and the assistance of Corkcicle's insulated kids cups, you can turn hydration into a fun and stress-free part of your toddler's daily routine. Remember, every sip brings your little one closer to a healthier and happier life. So, embrace these tips, stay patient, and watch your toddler thrive with proper hydration.


  1. ”Choose Water for Healthy Hydration” |, 2023 URL: Accessed 02 October 2023
  2. “Children & hydration - Healthy Kids” |, 2020 URL: Accessed 02 October 2023
  3. “6 Reasons Kids Need Water!” | LifeSource Water Year: 2022 URL: Accessed 02 October 2023.
  4. “Why Drinking Water Is the Way to Go (for Kids) - Nemours KidsHealth” |, 2022 URL: Accessed 02 October 2023.
  5. “How to Keep Kids Hydrated | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia” | Year: 2019 URL: Accessed 02 October 2023.
  6. “How Much Water Should Kids Drink? - Children's Hospital of Orange County” | Children's Hospital of Orange County, 2023 URL: Accessed 02 October 2023.

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